Do our advisers have a magic wand?

Do our advisers have a magic wand?

Well, no, but they do have access to a very wide range of information about national and local services. They have expertise in advising about them and in ways of getting that information to you. David found this when he came to visit his parents whose health had suddenly deteriorated.

David* had lived and worked in the Netherlands for many years and was shocked when he returned to Surrey to visit his elderly parents John* (90) and Ellen* (85). He clearly needed to put some measures in place to help them, but where to start?

David had gone to do some shopping and had noticed the sign outside the local Citizens Advice office. He remembered the name from years ago. He didn’t have much time left in the car park, but he thought it was worth calling in to ask if they could let him have a few leaflets which might help.

The adviser he saw asked about his parents. David was worried about his dad’s memory and his mum was recovering from a broken hip. He told her that they own their own house, have some savings and his dad has a private pension.

David explained that he didn’t have much time – car parking was about to expire, and he had to get home to cook lunch – the adviser said it wasn’t a problem, she could make a list of options he might want to consider and organisations to contact and e-mail it to him. David was delighted with this suggestion and was even more delighted when the long e-mailed list arrived with an invitation to get in touch again if he needed further help.

The list didn’t solve his parent’s problems, but it did empower David to make progress and gave him the comfort of knowing who to contact for different services without wasting too much valuable time.

For David it was magic!

*Names changed to preserve client confidentiality

Citizens Advice Waverley CONTACT DETAILS

Call Adviceline 0808 278 7980 (free) to speak to an Adviser

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Office opening details

South West Surrey Domestic Abuse Outreach Service CONTACT DETAILS

Tel 01483 898884


Visit our website

In an emergency always dial 999


Both Dorking and Leatherhead Citizens Advice offices are currently open for appointments, please either telephone our adviceline 0800 144 8848 or email /

Contact East Surrey Domestic Abuse Services on 01737 771350 or email:

Surrey Domestic Abuse 9am-9pm Helpline – 01483 776822

In an emergency always dial 999

Reigate and Banstead CONTACT DETAILS

Phone Adviceline: 0808 278 7945 (free) to speak to an adviser (Monday –

Friday 9.00 – 16.00)

Email: Use an enquiry form at

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